By raynbowsend - 23/04/2009 05:22 - Malaysia

Today, I had an appraisal meeting with the Boss. She raved and gushed and told me what a great job I was doing. Then she said "Well done, Eric". Eric is not my name. She froze, opened a new file and told me my actual appraisal, which was the complete opposite of everything she had just said. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 329
You deserved it 6 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol. Well not really a FML as appraisals are generally fair, unless you have done something to piss off the bosses. My suggestion would be to be more like Eric and work hard. Then you might get the recognition you feel you deserve.

well eric isnt doing THAT great of a job is she didnt even know how he looks like.....


Lol. Well not really a FML as appraisals are generally fair, unless you have done something to piss off the bosses. My suggestion would be to be more like Eric and work hard. Then you might get the recognition you feel you deserve.

well eric isnt doing THAT great of a job is she didnt even know how he looks like.....

...then again, who uses the name "Eric" nowadays? So 1990s.

LetsPretend 0

I feel bad that she mistaked you as another person, but it's not really a FYL if you didn't work hard to earn that kind of praise from her. Maybe it's a sign to step up a bit on your job.

Dukedj 0

Ouch. I don't know but maybe you wouldn't worry about getting the wrong appraisal if you had actually worked hard. If you were expecting to be raved and gushed about then that sucks, but if you had no work motivation I would say you deserved it.

Majormaxo 0

Ha, you shoulda pretended you were Eric.

Dont be a lazy prick at work, this isnt an FML, this is a "I am a Lazy Employee"

Everyone's boss is like that, so you might as well take it easy :)

LOL no one is on your side on this one Eric. Oh, I mean FAILURE.

Work harder next time but I still say FYL because the boss doesn't even know his/her own employees.