By radiantum13 - 09/06/2016 02:33

Today, I got yelled at by my supervisor for getting an hour of overtime yesterday. The reason I had an hour of overtime was because that same supervisor made me stay late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 080
You deserved it 1 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Come on OP, where's your team spirit? Your dedication? And all that other bullshit supervisors spew out when they want you to work extra for free?


Come on OP, where's your team spirit? Your dedication? And all that other bullshit supervisors spew out when they want you to work extra for free?

My boss tried that speech on my once my answer: At home, where I'm going, bye.

Classic story. Supervisor needs somebody to work more. Supervisor doesn't want to pay more.

tounces7 27

Supervisor is a massive dumbass who will always be a massive dumbass.

Obviously the OP ISN'T exempt from overtime law, or presumably the supervisor wouldn't be complaining about overtime.

I'm going to guess that that super specific situation doesn't apply here, and that if their boss is able to essentially coerce them into staying longer, and has the authority, thereafter, to reprimand her for it, she isn't working a job where she is paid OT as a courtesy.

Even if that super-specific situation does apply, a supervisor can't COMPEL you to work overtime, then reprimand you for it. If the employer agreed to pay OT, they have almost certainly voluntarily subjected themselves to at least some of overtime law as a side-effect.

Lol right!! I had a boss make us work late and overtime hours and he never would pay us overtime hours just regular pay.

As an engineer I only get straight time overtime. I quite regularly work extra hours, but my pay doesn't increase to 1.5x my base pay, it just stays at my base pay rate. Also I only get that overtime if it's for working on a billable project, if it's just training or overhead of some sort I won't get paid for it if I go over my normal 40.

ber4fun 23

Is the supervisor really that asinine or did he/she forget that they told you to stay later?

Why shouldn't you have overtime? What kind of job do you do? I'm curious. Where I used to work, there were people with 100+ hrs overtime. And they could go on vacation using said overtime.

A lot of part time and unsalaried posts offer OT, but the person in charge generally doesn't want to pay it for someone in those positions. They don't feel like the get their money's worth

My boss when I was a teenager would send me home early if I even got close to OT, just to avoid having to pay me extra.

McDerp 11

That sucks OP, sometimes you just can't win. :/