By thesixth - 01/03/2016 19:07 - Kenya

Today, I got fired for being late. Apparently you're supposed to be on time after your boss specifically tells you that the office will open an hour late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 407
You deserved it 1 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did they say 'the office will open an hour late' or 'come in an hour late'? There's a big difference, OP.

He probably meant the store is opening an hour late but it doesn't change the time you come in for your shift, as he didn't specifically say you get to come in late.


I'm willing to take a bet and say this is retail, this sucks op

You should look into filing a complaint with HR and getting your job back OP!

mariri9206 32

It may not matter. A lot of states are "at will" and they can fire you for anything with no warning. We don't know where OP lives but it could be an at will state.

I'd be surprised if Kenya has the laws that would help someone in this situation.

mariri9206 32

Quick (genuine) question(s): Where does it say Kenya? I can't see it. Is it possible to not see it on the mobile app?

#24 it's right under the FML in parentheses, before the FYL and YDI buttons. And I use the mobile app, you can still see it on here :) that's on every FML. Unless they don't post a location.

tantanpanda 26

#25, that's the old app. The new mobile app changed the format. You can no longer see gender nor location.

you'll get unemployment dont worry. let them pay you to not work.

Why are there so many thumbs down on this one?

I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure you don't get unemployment for getting fired. You may get a severance package from the company tho. But that doesn't excuse the fact that just collecting unemployment for no reason is taking advantage

hi358 6

Actually, unemploymemt is for people who are either fired or laid off.

Did they say 'the office will open an hour late' or 'come in an hour late'? There's a big difference, OP.

That's true, there is a difference . But to be fired for that? Now that's brutal .

Either way that means OP didn't need to be there until an hour later than normal. But if their boss meant it will open an hour later but wanted them there at the normal time then they should have specifically said that.

He probably meant the store is opening an hour late but it doesn't change the time you come in for your shift, as he didn't specifically say you get to come in late.

aliciousness116 16

Well, your boss should've cleared the dilemma between store opening time and attendance time. HR might be able to help. Good luck OP :)

That's ridiculous. Unfair dismissal. If only you had evidence about what your boss said or else it is his word against yours.

I don't know what the labor laws are in Kenya, but I'd say you're probably better off finding a new job where the boss says what he/she means.

bitchs_and_hoes 20

Maybe you can go to HR? It probably won't help though, sorry

Generally speaking, it's better to ask for clarification about things like that, even if you think you understand what they meant. Better to look like an idiot than be fired or reprimanded because your employer used unclear language in instructions.