By Anonymous - 22/09/2014 17:41 - United States - Mckinney

Today, I got yelled at by a bleeding-heart hippy in the restroom for using paper towels. Apparently I'm a "tree-hating, paper-wasting bitch". I had a nosebleed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 552
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste


And Texas of all places. I don't suppose you were in California when this happened were you?

Something similar happened to me with a guy at the mall where I live, he spend all evenings in the mall telling people how bad they are for not been "green" I punched the guy in the mouth after he yell at me something after I throw used napkins in the trash. He sees me now at mall and he turn the other way.

You probably use paper towels even without a nosebleed, no? Just the wrong place at the wrong time.

I would stare at her right in the ******* eyes and dump the whole damn roll in the garbage

Think I would've given THEM a nosebleed...and then watched them struggle to solve it cleanly without using paper products. Muahaha.

Ahahahaaaa. that makes most of us tree haters.

saffy66 34

Ask them if they use toilet paper - and offer to save yours for them to reuse if they're that worried.

Geez. Yeah, I get that they love the Earth and want to save trees and stuff, but what about themselves? They probably use paper everyday, what else would they write with? Or, let's say, they go #2. Do they just waddle around without using toilet paper?