By thatisnotcool45 - 09/12/2011 05:22 - Canada

Today, I got to say, "My best friend hooked up with my step-sister's grandma's aunt" and be correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 114
You deserved it 2 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend must have an old woman fetish

Beebow_fml 5

3 generations up? I'm going to guess you're both rather young which makes this even more disturbing.


rubyliu8420 7

How is this even remotely an fml? So stupid.

im 19 and i have a 10 year old aunt. so actually this isnt as bad as it sounds

Check out the song "I'm my own grandpa" on YouTube! It will make this seem more interesting!

She must have been considerably older than your friend

That might not be too bad one of my great aunties is 20 years older than me they could be younger for you :)