By thatisnotcool45 - 09/12/2011 05:22 - Canada

Today, I got to say, "My best friend hooked up with my step-sister's grandma's aunt" and be correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 114
You deserved it 2 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend must have an old woman fetish

Beebow_fml 5

3 generations up? I'm going to guess you're both rather young which makes this even more disturbing.


Philerup31 12

hahaha nicceee, hope they enjoy being together;D

bubo_fml 10

Be prepared to hear the phrase; "then, she took out her dentures..." next time you hang out w/ your friend...

Takainthemachine 0

So pretty much your step- great Aunt to simplify.

I'm pretty sure there's a remix of I Kissed a Girl about this.

Poetaster 10

Errr... Hold this bucket, I'm gonna puke