By Jesse - 01/08/2009 19:24 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time since I got my license. I have disorganized speech and occasional inappropriate emotional response. I began to laugh due to nervousness and when I tried to explain why, I was arrested because he thought I was high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 252
You deserved it 5 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unlucky. I used to have the same responses, got into a lot of trouble when I was in school for that.

haha thats funny.. i laugh when i dont know what else to do in a trully akward situation, or when an angry person is screaming at me


Have you ever looked into Asperger's? That could be a cause.

shooter308 0

To the few of you who think it is legal to be high (in the United States), California Health and Safety Code 11550 makes it illegal for anyone to be under the influence of any schedule I,II,III,IV or V drug. Marijuana is included in there somewhere. Unless you have a prescription, but then it is still illegal to drive under the influence.

Schedule One. Unbelievable, but it's true. **** the laws and idiot politicians.

LOL there is one really similar to this. A man got pulled over for the first time and he started crying because he was nervous and he got arrested for not cooperating with the cop.

This would be a degree of Schizophrenia that you have, right? Sorry to hear about the incident, though!

I thought that things like that were stated in the back of a license? I know they put "corrective lenses" if you have glasses/contacts so why not that.

you are him

arcacious 0

lol next time i'm high and driving i'll say i have disorganized speech and occasional innapropriate emotions, that'll get me out of it....until a unicorn walks by

You are silly. Just 'cause weed is technically a hallucinogen doesn't mean it actually makes you see things.

arcacious 0

fyl, why didn't you make an fml for that

jz4 0

#4. read the title of the thing at the top. the name is jessie