Crazy people

By nowhere to go - 12/12/2021 14:01

Today, I was stuck in the drive-thru line from hell. The guy in front of me started freaking out and demanded that I back out so he could pull out. I tried to tell him there were cars behind me, but that didn’t stop him from getting out of his car and kicking out my headlights. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 161
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a picture of his license plate then report him for vandalism and threatening. Personally, I would've gotten out and punched his lights out then call the police and claim self-defense


Once you start backing out, the person behind you will start backing up and the chain reaction will move the entire line. Let some other stubborn ass refuse and get their lights kicked out!

Take a picture of his license plate then report him for vandalism and threatening. Personally, I would've gotten out and punched his lights out then call the police and claim self-defense