By Super Confused - 02/05/2016 23:59 - United States - Fremont

Today, I got my graded essay from my teacher. Earlier, he'd said that it was "too specific", and that I should change it to be "more general and debatable". Now that I've got it back, the first comments on the paper are, "Your thesis is too general, be more specific." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 769
You deserved it 1 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thesis' are incredibly difficult to master.. While your teacher didn't give you great guidance, he did show you the general gist of what you should avoid when writing one - i.e. - being too specific or not specific enough... A thesis balances in between both. Don't discourage yourself though! With practice, I'm sure you'll turn into a pro

There could have been the possibility of making it too general? Ask around for people you trust to check your work next time. Either way, it sucks :/ fyl op.


Sometimes you just can't win with teachers.

Thesis' are incredibly difficult to master.. While your teacher didn't give you great guidance, he did show you the general gist of what you should avoid when writing one - i.e. - being too specific or not specific enough... A thesis balances in between both. Don't discourage yourself though! With practice, I'm sure you'll turn into a pro

You're too specific, be more specific.

There could have been the possibility of making it too general? Ask around for people you trust to check your work next time. Either way, it sucks :/ fyl op.

Sounds like every teacher I've ever had.

Lol I guess people don't see what this is saying. Or they don't think it's funny. But it's funny.

It was a joke since everyone on this app says it. I am well aware you can't just make a teacher an ex. ):

well, you could make a teacher an ex, it's just inappropriate, unethical, and in lots of cases, illegal.

If you have the chance to ask questions, then maybe you should have double checked your final thesis before submitting?

What teacher wants.. Its always a mistery

It's not the easiest thing to write, I do hope you get better indication or help the next time. Good luck Op!

This is why I never listen to my profs. They never stand by what they tell you.

prodigy2013 4

You need to leave room for debate but not make it seem like you didn't pick a side or know what you are writing about