Thanks for your help

By Anonymous - 07/05/2021 20:01 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, after sacrificing multiple weekends to help my kid brother with his various projects, I asked him to help me with one of mine. He nearly blew up at the thought of losing an evening of his free time on a simple task, so I postponed it to later, which means never. FML
I agree, your life sucks 908
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell brother that from now on he has to do his own work and stand firm on that. The whole point of school work and projects is to learn the subject. Doing someone else’s work actually cheats them out of a learning opportunity. Plus of course, he’s an ungrateful little bastard.

then say what he said to you. and make him feel how you feel.


Tell brother that from now on he has to do his own work and stand firm on that. The whole point of school work and projects is to learn the subject. Doing someone else’s work actually cheats them out of a learning opportunity. Plus of course, he’s an ungrateful little bastard.

then say what he said to you. and make him feel how you feel.