By Anonymous - 22/09/2010 21:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I got into my car and realised that my CDs were no longer in my glove box. According to the police, the random key code for my car type has been cracked, and thieves can now let themselves in whenever they want. The manufacturer says they can't do anything about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 715
You deserved it 3 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eytanrodin 0

The manufacturer is lying. if they're too lazy to change it then they should disable it which they can also do. Is this a Ford product? If for whatever reason I am wrong, you have a major class-action lawsuit on your hands. Talk to the manager of the car dealership and tell them these things. I guarantee you they will play ball. Under absolutely no circumstances should you have to pay even a dime.

BoyBeyond 0

So tell the car company to take out the key code or the device the thieves are using to get in and manually use a key to open and close the car door problem solved genius.


ibanez330 2

You could open the inside of the door and remove the cables going to the keypad, that way it can only be unlocked mechanically with your key.

F Just dismantle it and cut a wire of one of the numbers used in the code. Problem solved :)

If all they stole was some CDs you got lucky

IMHO ydi trusting your car with a "luxury"locking system, stick to the good ole key in lock system, then at least you'll have a broken window to deal with :3

Just be glad they didn't break a window or worse, leave you without transportation. It will get better lovey ❤

duma191 21

It mat be one of the cars with a keypad on the drivers side.