By Anonymous - 14/01/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with my wife over how she spends too much time with her gay best friend. Now she says that if I want to ever get intimate with her again, I'll have to let her watch as I give him a striptease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 323
You deserved it 11 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

k8izgr8_fml 0

well OP what's more important to you? your pride and masculinity, or getting laid? START UNDRESSING

Jakesterk96 8

Get a lesbian and make her your best friend, problem solved.


Tell her you'll find a nice woman to hang out with then and she'll meet your needs. Woman shouldn't be withholding sex to prove a point...

lame. is make her choose. I got no problem with gays but I woodnt strip for one just to lay my wife. get a lesbian friend n have ur wife make out with her to get back in the house. lesson learned.

SlipStream93 2

She obviously doesn't love you enough to respect your wishes.

Leave her! She wants you to strip for a guy and your not into men? If it was the other way around the cops would be called! That's just sick of her to ask! Her man pal is probably Bi! Likes it both ways! A marriage is between 2 people!

That's messed up but no offense I sorta laughed sorry XD

If he's reluctant to give her MALE friend a strip-tease, then I'm sure he would have no interest in having a threesome with another MALE. Get it?