By AmNot - 05/08/2010 04:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up to the flash of a camera. It was his mother taking pictures of my shoe print on his window sill and night stand. She said she was collecting evidence proving I snuck in through his window last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 791
You deserved it 9 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Good thing he woke up before she got to swabbing his **** for traces of your vag juice. They do that all the time on "CSI: Maury Povich."


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Ali_Br_fml 33

or just going to her boyfriend's room without his mom's permission... but yeah. lolz

she'll get use to you in time if the mother doesn't like you

No reason to assume that. I think the OP would be a bit more angry if that were the case. But I mean, you DID sneak in, so err... your own fault?

OP's name is "AmNot", maybe it was your BF sneaking out at night?

10 - No, the OP's name is AmNot, one can only assume that someone else is sneaking into the boyfriends room. I would say maybe it's the footprints of the boyfriend sneaking back in, but I am taking a guess that the footprints were small, and the mother noticed this, meaning they couldn't belong to her son, but a girl, and one would only want to assume that their child is a loyal partner and isn't cheating, so it must be his girlfriend. But since the girls name is AmNot, it's clear it hasn't been the girlfriend sneaking in.

pingpongpenguin 3

who did she want to prove it to?

hug_the_wall 0

51 i was thinking the same thing..

gb_chrs 2
BitterLoser 0

just be straight up to his mom an be like "weird, cause i was at my friends, musta been a robber!"

wow what's she's gonna do with it. show the police or something :O

#6 ~ How about using it to show OP's parents their daughter is a window crawling bimbo.

GreatBlueApe 6

why the he'll were you standing on his nightstand?

BitterLoser 0

cause she's only 2 ft tall and thats the only way they could kiss

hereforthehour01 0

It was her windowsill...I'd imagin she'd have to step on it to climb through a window....:l

inconvienentgurl 0

Wow. So were there or he told you about it? and how exactly is this an fml for you??

happysmartg 5

yeah I don't really get how it's an fml u her either

It's an FML for her because 1. Her boyfriend's mom doesn't like her 2. She got "caught" and 3. She might be in trouble now

perdix 29

Good thing he woke up before she got to swabbing his **** for traces of your vag juice. They do that all the time on "CSI: Maury Povich."