Forgive student debt now!

By DebtedToSociety - 07/06/2009 17:54 - United States

Today, I was watching a TV show about people with shopping addictions. One girl was $15,000 in debt and I thought how horrible it would be to live with that. Then I realized that I'm in medical school and currently $135,000 in debt. At least they have something to show for their debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 121
You deserved it 8 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you will have a good career once you are done with school!

liquidpaper 0

"At least they have something to show for their debt"? What does that mean? In a few years you'll have a respectable career. A pile of shiny things won't help you earn money the same way a medical degree can.


gdude756 0

You'll be a doctor, you have something to show

At least you will have a good career once you are done with school!

liquidpaper 0

"At least they have something to show for their debt"? What does that mean? In a few years you'll have a respectable career. A pile of shiny things won't help you earn money the same way a medical degree can.

anonymous100000 17

I heard that once your debt reaches a certain point and you pay off the monthly payments promptly that the govmt will wipe it clean

redtear 2

I hear ya. 100G in debt and wearing (not fashionably) ripped jeans. It'll be worth it in the end though.

you're in medical school, i think that counts as having "something to show"

#1 What's the point of saying "first" besides degrading yourself to everyone here... Nobody likes people that do that. OP: Your a doctor, how is that not something to show?