By Anonymous - 08/09/2018 01:30

Today, I was called a "disabled buzzkill" for not letting someone pet my service dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 539
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

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That person does not deserve to pat the awesomeness that is a service dog, even when the dog is off duty.

So irrelevant. Nobody is obligated to let someone pat their dog.


Was there anything on the dog that said “Service Dog-Do Not Pet”?

So irrelevant. Nobody is obligated to let someone pat their dog.

Service dogs typically have a vest on when they're working. Even if that wasn't the case this time, a pet owner has every right to tell people not to touch their animal.

Correction: the ones you NOTICED typically have vests on.

That person does not deserve to pat the awesomeness that is a service dog, even when the dog is off duty.

Your dog was on duty and working. You don't just pet someone when they're working.

People are idiots. You're not supposed to pet them when they're working.

hi! may i know why? we dont have service dogs where i'm at

The dog's attention needs to be on their owner and the surrounding to be prepared for something that may trigger (emotionally or physically) their owner or to respond quickly if something begins to happen with their owner. Petting the dog is a distraction.

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I’ll handle the petting of the dog...don’t touch other people’s belongings, children, or pets without permission

Working dogs don’t get petted when on duty, but they get extra when off duty.

Yeah, OP. If you didn't want to have to use a service dog, then you shouldn't have gotten disabled in the first place. Gosh, some people are so inconsiderate.

"All dogs deserve to be petted!" Yes, they do. By people they are comfortable being petted by. I'm not going to force my dogs to let someone pet them if she's trying to back away. That's just cruel. And anyone who tries to pet my dachshund without her permission is likely to lose a finger. She does not like to be handled by anyone other than family and one specific vet tech.

its a service dog dumbass it can be counter productive to their purpose. would you pet a K-9 police or military dog?

thejimhawkins 13

I’m sorry. That’s just wrong.

I'm so sorry op some people don't understand that a service dog is meant to help the owner my cousin little girl has one as she has epilepsy and could have a seizure during classes I be pissed if someone called her that

Don't let it get to you, OP. That person is just an idiot. They need to realize that a service dog is not the same thing as a pet dog.

At least they didn't say cripple buzzkill. That would have been offensive.

I feel your pain. This best people are the ones who read my ‘working: do not pet’ patch out loud and STILL try to pet.