By thebrokentardis - 22/09/2014 06:45 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I got hit by a car while riding my bike to work. In the hospital, every single nurse lectured me about how I wouldn't be here if I wore a helmet, which I'm sure would be really helpful to my broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 653
You deserved it 5 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It wouldn't help your leg, but you should be wearing one!

Yeah, you should get a helmet for your leg.


Ok the nurses may be using it in the wrong context, but you SHOULD always wear a helmet. It doesn't matter how great and responsible you are, as you experienced you can't trust other drivers to be the same. You got lucky this time, a broken leg can be fixed, but a broken neck will send you six feet under.

juturnaamo 29

I don't think a helmet would protect your neck, either.

CaroAurelia 12

You definitely always should wear a helmet, but... That would help your leg... How? They did go to nursing school, didn't they?

And you wouldn't have written that reply to #12 if OP wore a helmet. And I wouldn't have written this reply to you if OP wore a helmet. (Did I break the chain, and if I did, I wouldn't have done so if OP wore a helmet) EDIT: #15 is Euphoricness (so euphoric m8)

New meaning to "break a leg" eh? Too soon, huh?

Zwerik 31

OP, I hope you get well soon. By the way, your username is amazing!

My old coworker used to be an EMT and one day on his lunch break, he witnessed a biker getting struck by a car. The man had no helmet on and he ended up crushing part of his face, losing his left eye. The moral of the story, OP, is be grateful it wasn't worse and please wear a helmet.

Repeat after me... The leg bones connected to the knee bone, the knee bones connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bones connected to the hip bone... You see where this is going, don't ya op?

juturnaamo 29

Same thing happened to me last week. I sprained my wrist, and got lectured on helmets.

askullnamedbilly 33

Explain, please. How does an extra layer about arguably the most important part of your body make things worse, exactly?

There is probably some hypothetical situation where wearing a helmet could possibly hurt you but it's definitely far less likely than your helmet saving your life, or preventing head injury.

They can do more damage if they aren't worn properly or are the wrong size, but aside from that, helmets are generally safe. Hence why they're so strongly advised.

Helmets are nice, but not overly necessary unless you're riding in a busy area or mountain biking.

juturnaamo 29

If your city doesn't have designated bike paths, it'd be more dangerous in a busy area, since drivers tend to pass closer to riders with helmets.