Those things are lethal

By Anonymous - 15/12/2021 23:01 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, I was riding an electric scooter on my way to work when a car sped out of a driveway and hit me. Not only did I end up in hospital, but I missed my job on the second day back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 905
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

wait, you got hit by a car, and you are worried about missing work?? thanks for showing what is wrong with the employment world in this country. yeah, you may like the job, but your life and recovering from being hit by a car takes precedent. good luck on your recovery. PS- there will be other jobs waiting for you if you need to get a new one.


Jon Tessler 14

wait, you got hit by a car, and you are worried about missing work?? thanks for showing what is wrong with the employment world in this country. yeah, you may like the job, but your life and recovering from being hit by a car takes precedent. good luck on your recovery. PS- there will be other jobs waiting for you if you need to get a new one.

If you are on the roads, you need to be defensive -- no matter what vehicle you are using. Carelessly crossing driveways is a recipe for disaster. The other driver and you just cooked up one of those.