By drake86 - 09/01/2013 16:42 - United Kingdom - Helensburgh

Today, I got genuinely annoyed at myself when I realised I probably lack the skills to survive a Zombie apocalypse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 929
You deserved it 33 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments


With the Twinkies gone I'd say you definitely lack survival.

You could always make them yourself. It's basically egg whites and pound cake mix filled with Crisco and powdered sugar.

zombieslayer83 19

Just don't die!..... That was a joke guys!

Just pull a Bill Murray, then at least the zombies won't get you

But then he'll get a shotgun to the chest. Not much better in my opinion.

zombieslayer83 19

Hopefully he learn from bills mistake and doesn't try to **** with people

I would be too! Being prepared for a zombie apocalypse is no joke.

Actually.... It really is... Last time I checked, preparing for a hypothetical attack by imaginary creatures isn't anything but a joke...

@22 that is one of the biggest fails. The zombie apocalypse will will get you first.

I kinda figured/ hoped it was sarcasm. But with how zombie crazy everyone has gotten lately it gets really hard to tell who's sarcastic and who's just stupid. And there was a bit of thread jacking only because your comment fit my mini-rant the best. I apologize.

zombieslayer83 19

I guess I'm a dork, because I actually have a very detailed plan to survive said apocalypse.

You're not a dork, just waisted some time. I'm sorry, thumb me down, I don't care. There will not be a zombie apocalypse. There are no zombies. And yes anyone who spends time preparing for it is waisting time and resources better spent on just about anything.

You should probably spend more time learning how to spell "waste" before you tell others about how they're "waisting" their time.

Live in Miami and you will become a believer.:P

42 is right, hobbies are such a waste of time. We should just spend every minute at work or something and not waste time on personal interests.

Sorry 53, I hit one wrong button and my phone auto-corrected without me noticing. You're right, I should take 30 sec. per key stroke to make sure I have no mistakes. That's not a "waist" of time. And I'm pretty sure I never said anything about anyone's hobbies. If zombies are your hobby, fine. Go to a zombie bar, throw a zombie party, hell, watch all the "Walking Dead" that you want. But when people are spending thousands of dollars and devoting their entire lives preparing for a scientifically impossible scenario, yes that is a waste of time and money. Hell, from jersey shore to zombies... I'm done with this stupid ass country. (hops on plane and flies away while everyone cheers.)

zombieslayer83 19

97, the show isn't called "Walking Dead" it's The Walking Dead"! Just saying.

fromthesuck 8

The thing about the zombie scenario is it could be applied for just about anything. The whole idea is those who are prepared will survive. Which is pretty fitting for most scenarios

100) you definitely got me there. I don't really watch the show, but i have seen it and did actually enjoy it. I don't just hate everything related to zombies. I just don't understand how someone can spend like $100,000 on a bunker or something like that. There's just so many better ways that money could be used. In short, sorry for being a little piss about everything. You sounded pretty into the whole zombie thing, and I generally try not to be such an ass. I apologize to all.

97-And it's that ignorant attitude that makes you so very stupid. Nobody is asking you to spend "30 seconds per keystroke" to write something out. That's a complete over exaggeration. Looking for errors in a comment isn't a waste of time, either. It'll prevent you from making yourself look like a moron, and an arrogant one, as you just did. If you think proof-reading is a waste of time, then good luck getting through university.

Do be the hero. Oherwise you might live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

you always got to have this one thought in the back of your mind when entering a room. if zombies attack right now, what is my exit strategy?

Valiumknights44 12

Remember the cardinal rule of double tap. Also remember your cardio and also limber up. I have put all of these measures in place while training for the far more likely Robot Apocalypse.

Valiumknights44 12

I'm doing my part to spread the word and prepare myself against the robot menace.

It's all about who you know. Start hanging out R&D nerds. They've got a plan for every apocalypse.

Kelishas 9

There's no time like the present to get started

Just remember you don't need to be the most prepared, you just need to have "friends" who you can outrun.