By TooFlamingHot - 14/01/2016 02:08 - Australia - Ashfield

Today, I arrived at the kennels I work in to find the power disconnected and the water pump off. This meant I had to bucket water and carry it to keep over sixty assorted dogs and cats alive in temperatures over 90 degrees. The moment I finished, the power came back on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 866
You deserved it 1 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, but shows your dedication to the animals. Kudos for that!

Hopefully you got some serious karma for your efforts. Cudos OP!


That sucks, but shows your dedication to the animals. Kudos for that!

BamBAmGG 14

I applaud you OP, you're a hero to those animals that needed you! (: You did a really great thing, even if it was difficult and sucky, your good deeds will not go unnoticed by karma!

Hopefully you got some serious karma for your efforts. Cudos OP!

takes a lot of dedication to do that! nice job, OP!

Ur Awesome man, the effort will repay some day, i hope..... maybe

I'm sure the animals really appreciated your efforts! That dedication will get you somewhere some day for sure!

Good vibes and good karma will be put into your favor! Such a good thing to do

I love what you did for those pets but it says your from Australia- so 90 degrees would be boiling point.. It's more like 30-40 degrees..

#8 is right-32°C we don't use farenheit in Australia, except for OP apparently.

Probably converted it for the benefit of the American audience.

snarkytruth 37

The OP never said he/she was an Aussie. The name or title said IN Australia. Could very easily be an American expat. (Lucky them)

It was Australia. It was 44 in Melbourne recently. Disgusting even for us.

Under the FML it says where the OP is from and it says Australia

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I got an FML published once and, although I'm from the US, it said Australia. It might be the same for OP. You never know. EDIT: right after I posted this I remembered Australia is currently in the summer and we are in the winter here. They're most likely not American. Oops.

I understand the feeling all too well. Sorry OP

That is a true FML! It is also a true example of hard work, dedication and awesome ethics. For what it's worth, you have all my respect OP!