By can you read? - 08/04/2016 19:55 - United States

Today, I got a ticket for driving without insurance. I gave the cop my insurance information, but he said it was invalid because it didn't show an expiration date. When I pointed out the information he was looking for, he ignored me and gave me a ticket anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 008
You deserved it 1 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be able to get that thrown out pretty easily


BeenIt 5

Take the proof to the court house and be sure to mention the name of the officer involved and what went down.

You will have to carry an SR22 on your lic. now, for 3 years.. in my state anyway.

Sometimes cops just get bored and are hungry to get someone in trouble. But not all cops are that way.

What?! Oh noooooo. I would fight that in court.

Yep, it's a headache, but take it to court.

Maybe so, but chances are also good the cop would not even show up in court.

That's a $1,500 ticket in the state of MA, OP just fight it and give proof of insurance. Everything would be dropped

Luckily, that'll be easy to fight in court

allisonhart1 11

couldn't you tell that to the court?