By anonymous - 20/08/2013 07:08 - United States

Today, I got a steering wheel cover to stop my obsessive steering wheel picking. After putting it on, I realized it was crooked, causing me to have OCD fits every time I drive. I can still pick at the steering wheel around the cover. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 902
You deserved it 9 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

Well, can't you return the one you have and exchange it for a different, bigger one?

Super glue it, haha! But seriously, maybe you should talk to someone about how to manage this; I understand it's a serious issue and you want to feel as safe and comfortable as possible while operating a motor vehicle.


stepymac 15

Return it and get ur money back

One of the reasons I love FML is because of how everyone who does not have proper grammar is shunned.

"One of the because" is redundant. It should be "one of the that." Would it kill you to not be so redundant?

Infamous_Tora 12

Just a little too much, #42..

#1 I find your picture very offensive, make the Sakura put the Hinata down

42- Can't you say "The reason why I told you that is because you deserved it" for example? It doesn't sound redundant to me.

triplebeerox 27

Well, can't you return the one you have and exchange it for a different, bigger one?

Super glue it, haha! But seriously, maybe you should talk to someone about how to manage this; I understand it's a serious issue and you want to feel as safe and comfortable as possible while operating a motor vehicle.

Put duct tape on the steering wheel, that's what my cousin did.

OP would probably pick at that too. duct tape is really annoying.

Looks like you're doomed to have a shitty looking steering wheel.

Wizardo 33

Readjust it or get a total cover so you stop the picking...

Should have been more "picky" while buying it. Now you will not get bored in traffic jams.

Maybe return/exchange that one and get a different cover that fits better. You could see a psychyatrist or something to get help with your OCD, any distraction can be dangerous while you're driving.

kick that OCD into overdrive and redo it.

No offense, but stop being OCD like seriously.

That's like telling someone to suppress his/her strong emotions... you can't change the way someone feels, so you can't change OCD, either. He probably wouldn't have OCD if he could help it.

No offence, but stop being so insensitive, like seriously.

OCD is a mental disorder. You can't just "stop it." That's nearly like telling a cancer patient to stop having cancer.

This is starting a chain, like SERIOUSLY!!

heychey 12

Stop being an idiot, like seriously.

Um was that for me? or for the one who "Like Seriously" needs to have a brain upgrade to ****-sapien-sapien?

I now feel like a jerk for having broken the 'like seriously' chain in my first reply, like seriously.

TheDrifter 23

Like seriously, how come ocd folks get to let their crazy out but the rest of us have to hide it? Like seriously.