By Anon - 16/08/2011 06:27 - Australia

Today, I was caught and fined for picking a lock. I have OCD. I was picking the padlock on a toilet paper holder in a public toilet because the roll was the wrong way round. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 184
You deserved it 14 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

It's hard to live with, yes. Hell, it's hard watching someone you love struggle with it. It's not something to be rude about. People who suffer from OCD have a choice: Panic attack, or doing domething about the object of their frustration.. Obviously there is a correct, or at least best, choice. Most of them don't inconvenience strangers at all, and try not to inconvenience people closer to them.


Y the hell is it so important to you for the toilet paper to be a certain way!! Just wipe ur ass and leave!! Damn I think I'd die if I had OCD.

dudeitsdanny 9

It's hard to live with, yes. Hell, it's hard watching someone you love struggle with it. It's not something to be rude about. People who suffer from OCD have a choice: Panic attack, or doing domething about the object of their frustration.. Obviously there is a correct, or at least best, choice. Most of them don't inconvenience strangers at all, and try not to inconvenience people closer to them.

OP, you could have turned it around- 'why are you being a nasty perv and spying on me while I am in the toilette?!' Thank you 22- it's true, you can't help it. I grew up with a mom with a terrible OCD and panic disorder... They don't mix well :( things had to be in a certain order, quantity.. OH! not to mention the fear of dust... To bad I have that one too :( not fun.

What was the person doing who saw OP get the toilet paper? Thats awkward

I suffer with OCD and anxiety, it's not something I enjoy having! I'd like to know how someone caught her too!!

Susieee_Q 9

I'm surprised people are being serious here about mental disorders. It makes me glad. I myself suffer from hypochondria along with anxiety disorder brought on by hypochondria. Not fun, especially when you're confronted with so many people who think you can control it. I mean you can if you try hard. But, it's sure easier said than done. Mental disorders are just like any disease. You take them seriously because having them or having someone in your life who has them is never easy.

im sorry that there are so many rude people out there. and i'm sure that a bunch of other people out there (myself included) understand. where its you or a loved one it hurts to see someone suffer. so before you guys be a jerk please consider another persons's feeling.

It must've been a creeper who caught him. If so, you might be able to sue the security force for breach of privacy. You can turn this F my live into a my life rocks OP.

The TP police busting TP vandalizers since ass wipers

mgsoloist 14

Yeah OCD isn't what you think it's not just having things a certain way, it's a NEED. I get physically sick if there are things on the wall that aren't framed. It stresses me out so much that I just can't be there. Or the volume on the tv has to be a multiple of 5 or an even number...just really stupid stuff but you can't help it.

He's your son you should love to live with him no matter what.

xoconnie 8

they were probaby caught because while picking the lock the door was open to the stall. he probably tried picking it prior to going to the bathroom. thats my theory

It IS incredibly refreshing to see people understand this. I have horrible social anxiety, which a bunch of people seem to misunderstand. When most people meet me they think I'm some kind of jackass because I don't talk to them. Truth is, I'd love to, I just... Can't. With a lot of hard work I'm a LOT better than I was, but it still didn't stop me from having a panic attack my first day on the call floor at my new job though. :/ Luckily my trainer understood what was going on and helped me calm down and get through the day. It was nice to have someone actually HELP ME through a panic attack instead of look at me and say "wtf is wrong with you?"

This reminds me of monk, I love the show monk :)

gan4sula 2

16 That annoyed the hell outta me if the toilet paper is rolling the wrong way

I'd like to test this theory by unlocking that thing around your neck

leftyy 0

I would think you would have said "around" and not "round" if you truly had OCD. YDI

leftyy 0

I would think you would have said "around" and not "round" if you truly had OCD. YDI

There are different types and levels of severity to OCD. Most people with OCD don't feel the need to be completely meticulous about absolutely everything.

holy shit 148, I think I recognize you from UG

RainbowLuna 0
NTimmy 2

Who said toilet paper from the top was the right way? -.-

tylersign 11

Im guessing some creeper cop heard and decided to take a peak

I'm guessing that a security person walked in and heard some picking noises from the stall, and then knocked and fined him...

biasedshooter 24

The real question is "did you turn it around?"

lindseyluvszac 4
GuessWhatKids 13

Your boyfriend looks exactly like Jake from Two and a Half Men.

borkchop1992 15

im pretty sure u can still use the toilet paper

Hence the reasoning behind adding that little blurb about having OCD

Why in the world would somebody walk into your stall. Also why would you be fined for that

SamInThe407 4

Hmmmm..don't know how they saw him or her. If they used security cameras for a public restroom that's pretty sketchy..

SteelCladAngel 0

Illegal dame as dressing rooms but they are starting to monitor those with cameras or 'same gendered persons' in some places

You know what you are. An Obvious Crappaper Director.

ToyotaObsession 1

Good job. My life does not suck.

bryannab1 0