By Criminal - 13/07/2010 23:15 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket. I wrote a check, and on the way to deposit my fine, I got another one. I put both fines in a box down town, and I turned around to see a cop putting a parking ticket under my wind-shield wiper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 935
You deserved it 49 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I have a wild suggestion. Don't speed and don't park where you're not supposed to.


How is this a FML? You obviously can't and don't obey the speed or parking rules and deserve all three fines. And don't deserve a license because you're a danger to other drivers! FYL?, not a chance, you deserve every part of it. You expect to break rules without facing the consequences? Grow up.

54- Actually I think YOU should grow up. the requirements for FML don't say that you have to have been treated unfairly. I believe you're allowed to do something stupid in order to have something happen that sucks. hmmm actually I think that's the way it goes most of the time! soooooooo FYL buddy. good luck on your surgery (getting your stick removed)

72 - firstly; I'm not your buddy. second; no need to be rude. third; nearly everyone's comments echo my thoughts and you single me out? bad choice. oh and epic fail @ the stick joke.

72 - and nothing you wrote actually made any sense... "you're allowed to do something stupid to have something happen that sucks" WTF? what kind of twisted logic is that? where's natural selection when you need it?

72 - actually, no, that's why we have the "YDI" option. some random crap happened to you, FYL. you did something exceptionally stupid, YDI. OP definitely deserved this and needs to get the hell off the roads to boot. it's one thing to speed, but you generally have to be going at least 10 miles over for a cop to bother pulling you over, and there's just no excuse for the parking ticket.

mayhemxphoto 0

YDI for obviously being a complete retard and not paying attention to anything while driving. LEARN TO DRIVE!!

Wow, that really sucks. It's obvious the police department in your town is just out to get you. I mean, why ELSE would you get two speeding tickets AND a parking ticket?

FFML_314 11

to #60: why would anyone ever be sarcastic in such a serious forum as this one?

FFML_314 11

Good lord, I just don't know. I'm throwing in the towel! :P

bdsmith 0

Can't drive, can't park. What the **** are you doing in a car?

You clearly suck at driving or have a stalker cop.

TommySixx81 0
FeedtheBrood 0

time to consider public transportation?