By oopsie - 24/05/2009 14:50 - Canada

Today, I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize. It was a man with a speech impediment, and I began imitating him. He was the manager of a store I applied at. He wanted to arrange an interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 061
You deserved it 245 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you imitate him? that's pretty rude.. ydi.

Definitely deserved that. It is never okay to be rude that way.


you're a dbag. you totally deserved it. why would you make fun of someone for something they can't control.. especially when its something that they almost definitely are embarrassed about.

wallythedolly 0
IExist121 0

Go kill yourself you asswipe.

Your a jerk...why would you imitate someone with a speech impediment? You totally deserve losing that job.

cxal_fml 0

If you even considered imitated him, you aren't store employee material

LJtheGreat 0

It's funny how people like "heyjenny" will whine about how wrong it is to make fun of someone, then tell someone with a different opinion to "go **** yourself." Sounds like a two faced bitch to me, of course I've never been considered for sainthood like all the perfect people here so maybe I'm wrong.

Hope you get hit by a bus while the busdriver is imitating your crazy arm movements while you try to outrun the bus.

sofarsogood 0