By bass - 22/09/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from a prominent orchestra asking me to play with them. They were especially interested because I'm still in high school. I called to accept only to find out that my mother had already declined the offer for me because I "only" have a 3.7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 479
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Judging by your name, I assume you play the bass. That makes this suck even more because the standup bass is an amazing instrument that takes a ton if talent and finesse to play well, especially well enough to be invited into a prestigious orchestra. I hope that you insisted on still playing with them! FYL indeed, I'd be both angry and sad in that situation.

memory_loss_fml 0

FYL. Just... FYL. We should probably have a category for "meddling parents" ._. what's up with that, really?


YDI for being so full of yourself. A 3.7 isn't actually that great, and won't get you into the top colleges. I have a 4.5, 2290 on the general SAT, and a commendation from NMSQ-PSAT for my score. I don't go around touting my own success because I ONLY have a 4.5. Asshole. By the way, who uses "quotations" to emphasize a word?

Raitalle 0

How do you know her school even goes above a 4.0? It's possible a 4.0 is the max, in which case a 3.7 is certainly not bad, especially with all the time she must put into practicing to be that good at her instrument.

The quotations weren't for emphasis, they were to imply that the word "only" was of her mother's opinion as opposed to her own. If you can't even grasp that concept (and add to it what #44 and #45 said), I'm pretty sure you made up those scores on the spot.

OH YEAH, WELL I HAVE A 4.99 GPA AND GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON THE SAT. If you think THAT sounds ridiculous, you should re-read your own comment and see how stupid you sound, #43. And to the OP, your mom doesn't give you enough credit. A big orchestra asking a highschool kid to join them is ****** fantastic. Sorry she ****** up that opportunity for you. Don't live up to anyone's expectations but your own. (:

'I don't go around touting my own success because I ONLY have a 4.5. Asshole. By the way, who uses "quotations" to emphasize a word?' That seems like bragging to me, to be honest. YOU BLAGGARD.

noName123456 0

oh yeah well my school only goes up to 4.0 and i have a 5.3 gpa and got twice the perfect score on my sat

mo_the_owl 0

43: Since you're obviously a cocky dick, good luck making it past the interview process.

@#43 Lol @ thinking 2290 is like amazing or something. And I doubt you even got a score like that.

@43 If you seriously have a 4.5, which at my school which has weighted grades, is straight A's in all honors or AP courses. If you were able to do that I think you would be able to get a 2400 on the SAT, not some lame 2290. And, seeing as she probably spends a good 10-15 hours at least practicing each week, a 3.7 is exceptional. OP I'm sorry to hear you had no say in this great opportunity. :( I hope they will still let you in. GL

And lots of people use quotation marks for emphasis, numbskull.

owlcity13 0

Yeah #43 if they live in Illinois like it says, then the highest they can get is 4.0. And a 3.7 is like an A- average, which is pretty good.

dinosgoRAWRR11 0

um... your GPA doesn't effect if you get into an orchestra. what she's saying is that her crazy mom thinks a 3.7 isn't good enough and won't let her play. I had a friend who's mom flipped over a 4.2 saying it wasn't good enough and took away her phone and computer. some mom's are just retarded.

The emphasis on GPA is pretty entertaining, given that it doesn't actually amount to much. These sorts of opportunities are exceptional, and should be treated as such. If it comes down to an applicant with a slighter better GPA and someone with orchestra experience while demonstrating that they're still able to keep their grades up, which one is more likely to make a positive impression? When it comes to multiple applicants for a limited number of positions, mechanical selection is a last resort when there is nothing else to differentiate by. As long as you are maintaining a fairly good average, the emphasis will always be on you as a person and your experiences (and more importantly, what you bring with you) rather than through mechanical selection. Any school worth attending conducts interviews precisely for those reasons, whilst remaining well aware of the fact that averages are simply that, and are subsequently only useful as a rough indicator that someone is capable of applying themselves more or less consistently. I would focus much more on the extraordinary opportunities available to you than on a mother's misplaced sense of importance of maintaining the academic status quo (which one could easily postulate comes from the fact that she had no such opportunities available to her and therefore places a high level of importance on academic performance).

Also the comma after nice try isn't grammatically correct. Nice try though.

At a school here there was a girl and if she got below a 100% her mom would abuse her. One day the girl snapped and stabbed her mom to death... Just don't do that. But yeah... FYL. You really should have a talk with your crazy controlling mother.

I..I really hope you just have a sick sense of humour and made that up.

I had a 3.7 and I did fine getting into a damn good college. OP's mom: STFU

StoneColdNigga 0
boatkicker 4

not on the 4.0 scale it doesn't. That's an A- average. I'd say that's pretty damn good.

3.7 is good. It's A's and B's. That's good enough to get a scholarship at many colleges. Realistically, participating in something as prestigious as this orchestra would help the college/scholarship application process for this kid more than staying at home so he can maybe raise his GPA to a 3.8. Colleges want well rounded, talented kids who will get involved a lot more than they want mole-people who will sit in their rooms and do nothing but study.

Wow, that sucks. Your mom's an ass. It's hardly life-screwing though.

Your mom FAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl I'm trying to get at least a 3.6...I'd love a 3.7, lol. By the way...most musically talented people (symphonic instrument) are smart, at least the ones I know. About other instruments outside of the orchestra...idk.