By Pattie - 12/06/2015 06:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a Brazilian wax in anticipation of becoming intimate for the first time this weekend with a man I have dated for a few weeks. I'm so sore it hurts just to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 615
You deserved it 8 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shadowvoid 33

Well if it was done improperly, it could hurt a brazillion times more. I hope you feel better OP

Guess you got ****** in more ways than one


Well if he's any good at what he does you won't be walking so you will have plenty of time to rest good luck OP and that's dedication to the cause !

Notice all the girls posting ways to help the pain........dedication ladies dedication.

Aw, honey, you should have had it done last week! A Brazilian lasts about a month, and that would have given it time to heal!

That was very considerate of you, I'm sure he will appreciate it if you're not too sore!

For future reference, OP, if this guy is worth your time, attention, and ******, he wouldn't care about your pubic hair, or at least he wouldn't say anything about if he did. Sure, everyone's allowed to have preferences, but if he's the sort of guy who will only have sex with depilated women and you're the sort of woman who wouldn't wax or shave as a matter of course, he is so not worth it for you. You can save yourself a lot of time and pain by not doing anything!

Women don't just wax to please the man they're going to be intimate with; a lot of us do it because it makes us feel more comfortable, both physically and psychologically, during intimacy. So, we're doing it more for ourselves really.

Im a girl btw but the way i see it if i wouldn want to go down on a jungle niether would my partner.

And it's fine if it's that important to you, 69, but the sensations aren't worth the initial agony for every woman. Plus, a number of women really aren't doing it for themselves--they're worried about men being too disgusted to go down on them if they don't, and I think it's worth reminding those women who don't really want to mutilate their pubes that there are men out there who either don't care or even prefer the look and feel of a bush, and it's a better use of money and effort to find one who does than put oneself through costly pain for something that isn't of personal benefit.

74, I don't enjoy giving or receiving oral, so I can't speak to personal preferences on that, but believe me, none of the guys I've been with (I've never shaved or waxed) minded.

Trimming is the compromise. None of the pain of shaving or waxing, hardly any effort, and all the reasons to complain about going down on someone with a jungle are gone.

hedgiechic20 3

It's goes away crazy fast! Tomorrow, it'll feel normal. Have fun this weekend ;)