By Pattie - 12/06/2015 06:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a Brazilian wax in anticipation of becoming intimate for the first time this weekend with a man I have dated for a few weeks. I'm so sore it hurts just to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 615
You deserved it 8 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shadowvoid 33

Well if it was done improperly, it could hurt a brazillion times more. I hope you feel better OP

Guess you got ****** in more ways than one


Licensed Esthetician here - I would suggest getting yourself some aloe to help with the inflammation. Also, make sure to use only lukewarm water when you shower for the next 48 hours and avoid baths/hot tubs. The first time I ever had a Brazilian, I was so swollen and sore for about 3 days afterwards. After that first time, though, I was just sore for the remainder of the day when I've had them done again. It really does get better the more often you do it :)

should have done it before the day of to be careful. ..or just shave. its nit baby smooth but i doubt hed care

European wax center is the best for that. it's the closest to painless that you'll find. and take advil or tylenol 45 minutes before next time.

cold rags, aloe vera, acetaminophen, lotion.

Brazilian waxes were sexy and daring several years ago. Now they're commonplace. *yawn* I prefer a neat bush.

You got someone to rip all of your pubic hair off, what were you expecting??!!

Have you ever had one before? It is the worst thing ever! And the results aren't as good as I expected them to be! I am saving for laser hair removal!

hjds4n5 12

George Bush: How many is a Brazilian?

Btw, professionals suggest to wait 24 after a wax to have sex.