By woahlaura - 14/02/2016 16:26 - United States - Houston

Today, I gave my boyfriend a $300 cooler for Valentine's Day. When I asked what he got me, he pointed at my stomach. I'm 3 months pregnant with his baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 749
You deserved it 3 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's ok, OP. You can now point at the stomach in response to several things. "Why didn't you go to the supermarket?" "Didn't you say you were going to do the dishes this time?" "What am I getting for my birthday?" The list goes on and on.

I didn't know you could spend that much on a cooler. You should take it back and get something to prepare for the baby.


You're doing all the work. Should be the other way around.

Relationships are two way streets. Each person needs to put in as much work and effort as the other. Even when a woman is pregnant, she can not expect the man to do everything - doing so is the best way to see your relationship die.

You should have given him the gift of an angry pregnant woman.

Sounds like you hitched your wagon to a winner.

Congratulations you're in a relationship with a douche!

Use the cooler to store the babies bottles in the babies bedroom so you don't have to go downstairs and get them out of the fridge in the middle of the night. Also get an old microwave and keep it in there too. Maybe you can buy yourself the microwave for yourself for Valentine's Day next year.

snarkytruth 37

Return it for a styrofoam cooler and tuck the rest of the money away for the baby. Diapers, food, a million sundry items, Dr bills, health insurance on baby, emergency fund, college fund. With all those bills coming it makes $300 for a cooler sound ridiculous. There's a ton of great free things he could have done or planned for you. Back rub, foot massage... If he didn't care enough to make any effort - he doesn't deserve a $300 anything.

100% this! I wish when I was pregnant I had an extra $300 I could've spent to do that.

I completely agree with you guys, but it is possible that op and her boyfriend have more than enough money to cover that stuff. Though I still think an extra $300 to put away for a rainy day is more important than a cooler.

tingtingmeg 12

valentine's day is about spending time with each other. not money on each other.

Valentine's Day is bullshit. People should spend time with each other anyway if they want to.

I totally agree with TheNewGuy03. I honestly don't see that much of a point for Valentine's Day. This is mostly because people can kiss and have sex and whatever any time of the year. Whytf is this supposedly reserved to a day?!

aeryn97 17

sounds like you picked a winner.

Sounds like he's going to use that as an excuse for every missed present. ::10 years from now on your birthday:: Honey what did you get me? (Points at kid)

Shitty dudes never have a problem finding a woman to have their baby. MericA