By bigvic780 - 27/10/2017 01:30

Today, I fulfilled a lifelong dream by attending a Dallas Cowboys football game. Our sitter fell through at the last minute so I took my five-year-old son instead of my wife. We had to leave after the first quarter because he threw up everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 544
You deserved it 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roseicat 16

could your wife not have looked after the kid and you go on your own?

He was probably disgusted that they let Ezekiel Elliott play instead of serving his 6-game suspension for beating up his girlfriend. Sounds like your son has a strong sense of justice, and can’t stand to be among a criminal cabal (aka, Jerry Jones’ Cowboys.)


Roseicat 16

could your wife not have looked after the kid and you go on your own?

Then it would have been a waste of a ticket. He had one for himself and one for his wife. That's why they needed a babysitter.

Almost as if he couldn't have called a friend or even sold it for half price/gave away. Lifelong dream of going to a game and bringing a 5yo? There's hardly a chance it would have lasted the few hours sitting there, nevermind the bad luck of OPs throwing up.

He was probably disgusted that they let Ezekiel Elliott play instead of serving his 6-game suspension for beating up his girlfriend. Sounds like your son has a strong sense of justice, and can’t stand to be among a criminal cabal (aka, Jerry Jones’ Cowboys.)

Ashley_the_Great 15

You're kid's smart. He knows what's shit and what isn't.

Puking at an Nfl game is a rite of passage. He is well on his way to being a true fan.

Lobby_Bee 17

I'm sure there is a next time. It's not that hard to get football tickets.

That's what your get for wasting your money on the worst team in NFL history. LET GO GIANTS!!!!!! But on the plus side at least you had a father son moment

AdeenCuffing 12

I'm sorry did you just call the cowboys trash then continue to emphasise a team that went 3 and 13 this year? I hate the cowboys too but wow that was too funny.

I'm so sorry. I honestly feel horrible for you.

Denizod 9
btmurphy 7

I would like also if I had to go to a cowboys game

AdeenCuffing 12

Saw this like 3 years ago. Try again buddy.