By sup - 01/07/2019 20:00 - Canada - Chicoutimi

Today, I found out why I've had cockroaches in my bathroom - my landlord didn't bother to finish the wall behind my bathroom sink. There are literally holes that go straight from my bathroom to the garage downstairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 787
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have roaches in one room, you have them throughout your house. Call an exterminator, and send the bill to your landlord.

Well, if you've seen the last story of Creepshow, you know how persistent those ******* can be.


Well, if you've seen the last story of Creepshow, you know how persistent those ******* can be.

If you have roaches in one room, you have them throughout your house. Call an exterminator, and send the bill to your landlord.

Look up slumlord laws in your area. You may be able to get a lot of your rent back, and not have to pay until the infestation is taken care of.

IrieStorm 9

Trust me, the roaches are not just in the bathroom and garage, they're everywhere. If you see one, there are a lot more you don't see. Call an exterminator.