By branded - 14/05/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, I found out the tattoo symbolising my marriage turned out to be more permanent than the marriage itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 485
You deserved it 60 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panicked 0

just get the words 'sucks balls' under it.

SlappyDog 0

As someone with their ex husbands name tattooed on their butt..I feel your pain. Laser removal time!!!


crazyrainbow 0

that sucks...tatoos with peoples names are just tacky...

*cough* this is why you don't get a tattoo *cough*

*cough* why does this situation apply to all tattoos in general you judgemental arse wipe? *cough*

Some of these comments are a bit harsh. I mean, this wasn't her boyfriend of six months or something, that's stupid. It was her husband. Is it stupid to think marriage is forever?

why the he'll would an 80 + year old person be on this site ?

I find the comments on here very depressing. Oh wait, sorry. What I mean to say is, what the ******* hell were you thinking? You thought your marriage was going to be for life? What kind of logic is that? You're supposed to get married with the intention and expectation that you'll be divorced! As for it being of your husband's name... OH. WAIT. You didn't say it's of his name. You said it symbolises your marriage, which suggests it was a date, or numbers, or maybe some kind of picture. You stupid person, how could you possibly expect that not to jinx the relationship? I mean, that's how life works right? Karma and jinxes? No? Oh. I guess most of these commenters are just fools then. FYL, OP. I feel for you. Especially when you have to live in a world full of jaded people.

rickyblair 16

You never ever ever get a tattoo that's supposed to represent a relationship. It basically guarantees failure and heartbreak.

doglover100 28

It's basically a curse to get a significant other's name tattooed on you.