By branded - 14/05/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, I found out the tattoo symbolising my marriage turned out to be more permanent than the marriage itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 485
You deserved it 60 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panicked 0

just get the words 'sucks balls' under it.

SlappyDog 0

As someone with their ex husbands name tattooed on their butt..I feel your pain. Laser removal time!!!


larsonbp 0

duh, it's a ******* tattoo, and your obviously an idiot. These all should have been foreseen.

obviously. #14, you're right no one deserves that shit... so don't get a ******* tattoo with someones name on it. dumbass.

kapowi 0

#14 Yes, yes they do. If they get a freaking name on their body, which is PERMANENT, then they deserve it when the relationship ends and they're left with the tattoo that they were idiotic enough to get. YDI big time.

Karnezar 2

The OP was married. Usually married couples don't intend on breaking up.

Monstarred 7

Never ever get a tattoo you may have second thoughts about.

this is why you only get tattoos of your children's names or of somebody who died. never someone who you don't know you will love forever.

I'm sorry =/ I'm with 147. You don't get married planning on it ending. Hence she doesn't deserve it. How is it bad to have had faith in your relationship?

WitchCirce 0

@150: It's bad to get a tattoo based on your faith in your relationship. I don't care if you don't plan on it ending; people don't usually plan on any relationship ending if they're infatuated enough to get a tattoo for their relationship, but the fact remains that it could always end. Tattoos are permanent; relationships are not. Ever.

misterman2 3

wow, so many people voted YDI. The point is not that they got a tattoo! The point is her marriage failed! You guys who voted YDI are morons