By branded - 14/05/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, I found out the tattoo symbolising my marriage turned out to be more permanent than the marriage itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 485
You deserved it 60 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panicked 0

just get the words 'sucks balls' under it.

SlappyDog 0

As someone with their ex husbands name tattooed on their butt..I feel your pain. Laser removal time!!!


xembo123 0

getting a tatoo symbolizing a relationship in some way is terrible karma. seriously, what a stupid move

missbon 0

the OP shouldnt be copping crap because they made a bad choice. have a little empathy guys the marriage just broke up!

Sorry to hear it dude/ette... Wish I could help.

HEY... All i know is i am glad to know i'm not alone!!! lol... my wedding date (238) is tattood on my ring finger!!! dont i feel like an ass! lol... But like i said i am glad to know i'm not alone! lol... good luck in the future!!!!!! ;)

christopherlove 0

I have no sympathy. I will never understand.

Don't. Ever. Tattoo someones name you 'love' on your body... YDI, hard.

ringles 0
datboypipe 0