By JJMan217 - 29/03/2011 06:28 - Canada

Today, I found out that using a certain hand sanitizer as masturbation lube will put you in the hospital and result in having to wear an adult diaper for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 312
You deserved it 76 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow that was a smart move. Do you brush your teeth with toilet cleaner?

only time to do that is when you don't know where your penis has been..not for recreational use


wtf? and of all the things to do it with, why hand sanitizer? also, this fml made my day lol:)

I have to admit OP, this is hilarious!! I mean, you could uses variety of substances but you chose the most flammable! Hope you didn't want a smoke after that. At least you made a clean getaway.

Probably why perfumes have a disclaimer to not use/spray onto the general genital area...

dum_dum1 0

so what kind was it so I know what to avoid?

briidontgive_ 0

You deserved the shit outta that

okay, why the hell would you use hand sanitizer on your dick!? idiot.