By AkiAnime - 22/01/2016 00:02 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out that the huge project I've been working on for the past week is actually a group project. Everyone in my group knew. They were just letting me do the entire thing by myself because I'm "smart". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 644
You deserved it 2 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Do the project write your name on it and not theirs.

Id rather do it all myself and get a good grade for us all than have them help and get a not as good grade.

harleyivy 7

tell the teacher. if they don't want to do the work, then they shouldn't get any credit.

corky1992 33

Tell the teacher or prove that they did nothing so they won't get any credit.

Tell the teacher OP. They don't deserve a good grade if they didn't help you.

Been there done that - tell the teacher. If you think these kids will try to get back at you then let the teacher know that too. No matter how pissed they might be now, it's nothing to they way they will treat you once they start demanding that you keep doing their work for them.

This happened to me too, so when I handed my huge project to my teacher, I told him while making dead eye contact with my "group" that I did the entire thing by myself and they can't have credit for my work. I said this on the final day it was due, and the looks on their faces were priceless!!

Tell your teacher so you get full credit and they get a failing grade, plus are forced to do their own project.

Do what I did when I was in a group project, tell the teacher they didn't do a single thing