By cleb - 22/03/2018 01:30

Today, I found out that the seeds of the Cherimoya fruit are toxic. I found out by eating the entire fruit, including all seeds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 423
You deserved it 1 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone else immediately look up what a cherimoya fruit was after reading this?

julfunky 29

A safe way to go about eating any fruit: don’t eat the seeds unless you know they are safe.


Anyone else immediately look up what a cherimoya fruit was after reading this?

Zekfen 17

I did, but I stopped reading when they quoted somebody as saying it is better than pineapple. Inconceivable! Just for future reference for people, the pits of peaches, cherries, plums and apricots are also deadly poisonous when ingested because the turn into a form of cyanide.

Although they do contain a compound that breaks down into hydrogen cyanide, you would have to eat around thirty raw peach pits (even more of the others) in a day to get enough cyanide to suffer any ill effects. And then it would take even more to get seriously ill.

Well, it's true. They are usually better than pineapples (and believe me, I love pineapple). As for eating the seeds... they are pretty darn big, it's like swallowing a huge pill each time!

Apple seeds as well. I want to say most if not all fruits that contain a "pit" of some sort are poisonous because they contain a form of cyanide after metabolization. The amount you need to consume can be on the high end of the spectrum though.

julfunky 29

A safe way to go about eating any fruit: don’t eat the seeds unless you know they are safe.

Don’t eat a Chlamydia fruit — it’s all toxic!

No joke tho I was in the Philippines and I ate one of these. Good as fuuuuuuck

googled it. these are supposed to be amazing, like incredible. But the seeds and skin are very toxic.

This is the fault of Capitalism. ... oh wait, maybe I should stop doing this or I'll get the masses of downvotes again...

Think my girlfriend had cherimoya once but pretty sure she just needed some antibiotics.

but who actually eats the seeds of any fruit??

julfunky 29

Many people eat the seeds of pomegranates.

i always eat the flesh and spit the hard part out. i assumed everyone did that lol

You telling me you spit out banana seeds?

How about kiwi seeds? or strawberry seeds? or any berry lol?

Well, yeah, when you eat pomegranates, what you're eating is the seeds. You don't eat the rind.

Seeds make shit it you want instead laxative it’s the way to go