By anonamous - 17/07/2009 16:59 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife gave me head lice on purpose so I would have to cut off the ponytail that I've been growing since '99. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 222
You deserved it 96 721

Same thing different taste


A ponytail? You're not a woman. You shouldn't have one. If you do, however, don't forget the matching white Chevrolet Astro van with the tinted windows and a bed in the back.

give her food poisoning because you don't like her being fat, see how she likes it...

highonlife77 0

Gross. Simply ******* gross

I bet a good lawyer could turn that into an assault charge. You should totally ditch that bitch and press charges.

its about time, come on man pony tails weren't in style ten years ago and aren't now, or were they ever. get over it and get a respectable haircut

th3rapy 0

I can't believe how many people said YDI. It's your body. Maybe you don't care what people think or about what's in style. Your wife should respect that. If she doesn't, she should be the one who leaves, not your ponytail.

well... FYL if she never said anything, just secretly plotted, and you never knew anything was wrong with it. YDI if she previously asked you to cut your hair. it's just hair, you should have cut it if your wife really had a problem with it.

th3rapy 0

#260 ... he SHOULD have cut it beCAUSE it's "just hair"? If it's "just hair," why did it bother her so much? Your hairstyle SHOULD be yet another form of self-expression for a person, like fashion, like whatever. That means the OWNER of the hair should have the final say on its presentation. I don't even know why that's even a question! Why there's even a discussion here! This is an FYL, hands down.

HelloShitty_fml 0

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... welll. '99, really? It probably shoul've been gone a good 10 years ago.

mossmommy 0

She was being generous by trying to be slick, I would have chopped it off while you slept........