By drew the short straw - 15/12/2018 13:30

Today, I had to follow a pony that had flatulent, severe diarrhoea for an hour in order to collect enough liquid for a sample. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 335
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, I just keep picturing you trying to chase after this poor pony who just wants to be left alone, but keeps leaving such an obvious trail for you to follow it. It's hilarious.


Sorry, I just keep picturing you trying to chase after this poor pony who just wants to be left alone, but keeps leaving such an obvious trail for you to follow it. It's hilarious.

How many buckets of diarrhea did you need? Or are you just greedy for equine poop?

Weirdest petting zoo experience I've ever had.

Aww yes the adventure of being a poop checker 😂😂