By pkz - 31/01/2010 02:11 - France

Today, I found out that my husband of five years was living a double life. He and his mistress have two children together and a third one on the way. He told me the only reason he stayed with me was for my money. I make about 8 dollars an hour and work two jobs to make ends meet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lady_gagas_ho 0

That' I have no words for this one.

Number one said it best...this one leaves me speechless.


they ought to make shit like that illegal. what a scumbag. fyl op.

8 dollars an hour? When I was 15 and working at KFC i was earning more money than that. Way more.

Where do you live? Minimum wage is different everywhere you go due to cost of living. When I was 16 I worked at Cold Stone Creamery and only made $6.50 an hour, and that was in the suburbs of Chicago.

My first job at 15, I worked full time at a summer camp and made $5.15 an hour.

Working as a hostess in a bar I made $10/hour. My friend, having graduated with her degree and working in an assistant teaching position, was only making $8/hour. It's very possible she was working in, say, a daycare position during the day and maybe some retail position as a supplement. I assumed the OP meant that she works two jobs that each pay (around) $8 an hour - maybe a little more at one place, a little less at another. Either way, even if she was making a significant amount more, that money was still going to support a man who was cheating on her. I think exact income stops mattering at that point, and it comes off as childish to pick that part of the FML to complain about when I am pretty sure the infidelity and lying were *just a bit* more distressing for the OP to deal with than making sure she explained the exact state of her fiances to all the FML readers.

helloletsgo 0

wow Americas minimum wage is ridiculous I couldn't live off that!!

Its also cheaper for property in america than australia

heartagram_in_ro 0

how did you not know? what was his excuse to go to the hospital with her? what about phone calls or spending the night? seriously you had to know something was up...

maybe he said he was hanging out with his friends:/ and didnt say anything about the hospital. idkk

ipooprainbows 0

she was too busy working two jobs to support his worthless ass

I'm very sorry OP. Get rid of him. There is someone better out there for you. Go find him!

OP that is horrible but hear is some more news to FmoreofYL. She's not the mistress. You are!

Erm, how is OP the mistress? She's the one married to him...

she's the mistress because the guy has been with the other woman longer, they have three children together, and he love the other woman more than he loves the OP. He's most likely married to the other woman as well.

Saccharide 0

1) There's no proof that the guy has been with the other woman longer, and even if he has been with his mistress before the OP got married, the point is irrelevant. 2) It is entirely possible to have three children in less than five years, but if even if he had the children before the marriage, the point is irrelevant. 3) Hate to break it to you, but the fact that him and this other woman are "lovers" does not mean that the OP isn't his wife; this point is entirely irrelevant. 4) The OP explicitly states the terms "wife" and "mistress". Why would she lie about that? A mistress is a is a man's long-term female //lover// and companion - who is not married to him. Idiot.

hawkie409 0

That's...Horrible. I'm sorry, I have no words to express how wrong...just how wrong this is.

ur husband is a twisted mother ****** whole needs to be put in his place...

People who make FML's about dropping their ice cream and shit should read this FML before they decide to whine about their inane shit.

I don't think I've read a FML about someone dropping their ice cream hahaha

Yeah, couldn't have said it better. OP, that's horrible.