By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 075
You deserved it 5 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


vers_fml 0

Plexico is an ass with projection issues OP, don't do it!

OP i'm sure your boobs look fine. Don't get a boob job.

cattoe7 0

#3 you fail at life i bet you do have a fat face and you are still a virgin and with that attitude don't count on losing 'it' Fake boobs are stupid!!!! A lot of guys prefer smaller boobs.. and a lot of guys don't like fake ones!! and those are the guys that matter.. All these guys that like these big stupid boobs are stupid themselves and IF they end up with a woman with big boobs then just wait about 15 years.. bologna nipples hanging down to the floor.. where in your case you'll have nice perky ones for a lonnng time to come=) so be happy

Fake boobs are just like a bowl of wax fruit. They may be nice to look at but they just don't feel right.

patray_angel 0

Like others have said, if you want to get them, go for it, but don't get them because others think you should. I have already told my husband that after we are done having kids and the oldest is no longer nursing, I wouldn't mind a boob job someday. I am comfortable with my cup size, but I have a decent sized gap between my boobs that has always bothered me. I know my husband does not care either way. So, if and when I get some work done, it will because I want it.

suaveneanderthal 0

And real men like big **** #65 #68 i can tell you have some small **** from the way you posted. All these guys that like these big stupid boobs are stupid themselves?? sounds like you're about seven years old anyway so when you do grow up i hope you grow into some double D's. Who the hell are you to say that guys that like small boobs are the only guys that matter? I'm attracted to larger breasts as are many many other guys but you're going to tell us that we don't matter because of the breast size we like?? And to the OP if you don't want a boob job don't let anyone talk you into it because i can promise you that if you get one for all the wrong reasons you will not be pleased with yourself in the least. But I'm sick of people getting on here condemming any man who happens to like large breasts, I'm not condoning boob jobs for every girl out there by any means but damn everyone likes different things.

My mom thinks I should get a boob job too, but all the guys I know say they prefer small, really boobs over fake big ones. Besides, I already have a man that prefers my small ones, so I'm happy :)