By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


Sugar_lipsXo 0

im sure you're beautiful w.out the big boobs. :) real are better than fake any day. you can totally tell when boobs are fake and the person comes across as being shallow and really dizzy/stupid. be happy w. your real ones!

AmyBeth 0

I agree with most everyone else here Small natural breasts > not natural big breasts They look obviously and really you should just get a water bra or thick padded bra instead I had a friend who's very close godmother nearly died because one of hers popped she had to get it redone and it hurt her really bad! Your moms cruel not to except you the way you are btw Lmao ps I'm sure big might sometimes get in the way :D

Sugar_lipsXo 0

PLUS do you want people looking at your boobs, or your face? you decide.

Everyone seems to be under the assumption that a breast job automatically implies two gigantic watermelons on a skinny girl. Which true would look ridiculous. That however shouldn't be the case if anyone involved in the procedure has half a brain cell to rub together. Breast implants are like buying a handbag, shoes, a new dress. It's meant to make you feel better about yourself by buying something. If it doesn't make you feel better than clearly it's not the way to go. It's the same with guys buying sports cars. It would seem as if most people here are rabidly against getting breast implants of any kind. Yes it's bad how the female ideal has been warped but don't dare kid yourself that plastic surgery of any kind is the devil. Also, most of you seem to be under the delusion that the breast implant development has halted. Nowdays a properly done breast implant is almost impossible to detect. The material feels like your breasts, they follow your particular breast shape's natural curvatures, and the scars that remain could easily be hidden as birthmarks. Is that really that difficult to believe that an industry with as much money as this one couldn't figure out how to make realistic artificial breasts?

If ur happy the way u r, tell them to kiss ur ass...if not well...LOL

hanic101 0

Don't get it unless you want to. If anybody trys to pressure you just say it's my body. Real boobs are way better than fake ones they have no scars and anyway they'll grew eventullay. Just drink slot of milk and eat alot of chicken.

Go with what YOU want. Don't let your family pressure you into anything. Personally, I want a guy to look at my face when he talks to me, not my chest.... Anyhow, good luck with the decision.

#97, you're missing two points here. Number one, NO ONE should ever tell anyone that they'd look better with plastic surgery, period. Why? Because one's body is not (unlike what most society might think) meant to be an object of admiration for others. It's yours and nobody elses and no one but yourself should have an opinion on it, and that's that. Second, a boob job is NOTHING like buying crap at the mall, it's a high risk surgery, with a long and painful recovery and a good chance your body might reject the implants or they may rupture later on. I am not saying I am against it, if that's what you really want it's your body, go for it; but I'm dead set against anyone telling someone to do this just because they think it's more atractive. Tell your mum to **** off.

Oh well, your boobs are your mom's fault anyway.