By Anonymous - 11/04/2013 20:21 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I found out that my classmates hate me so much that they have a seating arrangement where people have to sit next to me on a rotating basis. A fight broke out yesterday because someone tried to skip their turn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 306
You deserved it 17 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At that point its probably at least partially your fault...


Welp maybe you should shower more hehe

I highly doubt they randomly hate you. If errrrrbody does, you did/didn't do something.

SneezyC 15

Maybe they just think you are actually a really awesome person OP and they all want to sit next to you, so they rotate.... Maybe that one person was just to stunned by your beauty that he decided he actually needed to pay attention in class that day, so when someone else tried to sit down some one else got jealous. ----- Or not.

GetPuckedUp 3

wow what a bunch of douchebags. sorry OP =(

Why even bother with bidding? Rent out your services to people. It'd be like a school hit man, except instead of killing someone, you just really REALLY bother them.

truepanda 2

there MUST BE A REASON WHY they dont want to sit with u. do u shower regular basis? do u make rude comments out loud to people? I'm sorry but I'm not going to follow rest of the ppl in the comment section and support u on this. u gotta be more aware of wat u do. dont be ignorant.

Yes, 78, don't be ignorant. For example, don't blame someone when you have no information. OP could be at fault just as well as they could be a victim.

I'm sorry op . This is a horrible thing for them to do.

Don't feel bad about it. Your classmates are idiots.

Back when I was in high school there were a lot of kids who hated me for pretty much no reason. My parents didn't buy me designer clothes like theirs did so I was the 'weirdo'. I didn't want the designer shit even if my parents offered. There was one day when I dropped my pencil and when I leaned over to pick it up, my elbow barely touched the boy behind me's knee. He made this big scene like I had just poured deadly poison on his leg. He even stood up and was 'wiping it off'. I never once said or did anything mean to these people. I was just different. I definitely know how you feel OP. Oh and I was weird because I loved horses and would go riding every day. TOTALLY ABNORMAL RIGHT?!?

You publicly told him to go screw himself and his boyfriend after that, right?