By Anonymous - 30/10/2013 16:43 - United States - Houston

Today, I found out that I'm highly-placed in my wrestling competition this year. I also found out that I have mono and won't be able to take part for at least the first half of the competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 453
You deserved it 3 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

You could kiss all the other wrestlers or drink out of their bottles, give them the mono and then everyone is even! Mono wrestling for everyone!!! Steroids ARE accepted!


n00b4liciou5 10

That sucks OP, hope you get better by the second half! btw, I hit YDI by accident :$

That least you are not out for the entire season...I had that problem with a broken arm...

Real athletes rise above complications that are met. This moment in your life can and possible will define your athletic career. Take life by the horns and succeed like a true athlete. Good luck OP!

If you're suggesting they wrestle while having mono, that is possibly the worst advice I've ever heard. Mono can be deadly to someone with a poor immune system, and is incredibly contagious.

I think the OP clearly stated that he/she could not wrestle for half the year. To be more clear, I was not saying to wrestle through mono but to simply overcome missing half a season and succeed in the sport.

Oh thank god I thought you were saying OP wrestle through the mono

That's a bummer man! Hope all goes well :)

Rowdy Roddy was known for the sleeper hold, Killer Kowalski, the claw. Maybe you could be known for the lip lock.

The same thing for me for lacrosse except I had internal bleeding from my stomach

bobo_the_bear 5

I guess you won't be fighting mono y mono. Bazinga.