By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 23:54 - United States

Today, I found out that I have testicular cancer for the second time in two years, and they may end up removing my last testicle. Knowing full well I was also born with an extra rib, the doctor at the consultation joked, "Hey, you'll be three quarters of the way to being a woman." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 198
You deserved it 2 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cheeeeeeers 3

I'm a nurse and believe me, many, not all but many, are snobby assholes. good luck ;)))

If it weren't for the great nurses I've encountered in the 16 years I've had MS, I probably would've gone crazy long ago. I admire what you do. Thank you.

85 - Nobody cares exactly what you meant. We go on FML to be entertained, even by rude means. That being said, your comment was rude, unnecessary, and quite simply not funny. Those are the reasons you got thumbed down.

dude that sucks... wish you well in your cancer battle. keep your chin up OP!

Darklord53 0

Hope they get rid of the cancer with completely neutering you. Didn't you at least smile at the joke though? Also, you could do so much with an extra rib so have fun. ;)

BellaBelle_fml 23
blueflare21 3

Oh man bro I'm so sorry to hear that. If you still have hope look into nutrition supplements. I personally know people that have cancer and are using nutritions supplements to deal with their problems. Hope that helps.

You are so lucky to be alive I've been to way to many funerals involving people loosing the battle. Saddest way to go

emilo_fml 0

Keep your head up high. I am 16 and I had cancer at the age of 14. I am about 3 years clean if I can take chemo down so can you.

Wow. I'm so sorry you went through that, but thrilled that you're 3 years cancer free!

CVeNgineer 0

Your last ********? Lol don't you mean the other one

SpruceDread4578 13

No you ****. That is his last ********.