By how the fuck did this happen?! - 11/09/2018 04:00 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I found out that even after having had my tubes tied, I am in fact pregnant. I have an 8-month-old son and his father just remarried another woman 2 months ago. Neither of them believe that the new baby is his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 227
You deserved it 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redlizzybeth 25

That sucks. A DNA test will clear that right up. Just make sure that he understands how far along you are and what his behavior will mean. And for all of those commenting on her sleeping with a married man, please note he slept with her as well. I don't know what the situation is and being mean to a pregnant woman is never ok. Trust me, being without a partner and being pregnant with an eight month old will be hard enough. I

If he remarried two months ago he could well have been with her 8 months ago and married this girl after 4 months or something. Why do you think he was married when they made the baby? And yeah getting your tubes tied can reverse itself


Manna182 10

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8mo kid, dude remarried 2 months ago. Recheck your math

Never mind. Missed the currently pregnant part

redlizzybeth 25

That sucks. A DNA test will clear that right up. Just make sure that he understands how far along you are and what his behavior will mean. And for all of those commenting on her sleeping with a married man, please note he slept with her as well. I don't know what the situation is and being mean to a pregnant woman is never ok. Trust me, being without a partner and being pregnant with an eight month old will be hard enough. I

julfunky 29

Yes but at the same time she isn’t blameless. We don’t need to make her feel worse but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a YDI. She made the mistakes that led her here.

She was with the guy at the time and had her tubes tied... what part of that isn't responsible o.o

Gamessence 19

this says remarried, meaning he divorced then slept with her during that period of time then married again. his fault not hers.

tounces7 27

Considering she had her tubes tied - we don't know how far along she was before finding out she was pregnant. I mean, obviously she was not expecting this. He may not have been with anyone yet at the time. Some people get married pretty quick ya know.

ViviMage 38

Maury will straighten that out for you!

If he remarried two months ago he could well have been with her 8 months ago and married this girl after 4 months or something. Why do you think he was married when they made the baby? And yeah getting your tubes tied can reverse itself

Kymberly Hams 12

but thats not what OP said. she said she has an 8 month old and is pregnant AGAIN...

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

He has to prove that it isn't his kid...

Tell for a great lawyer ya going to need one 😊

How can your 8-month-old have an opinion on whether your new baby is his sibling or half-sibling? What a super smart baby!!!

When you get your “tubes tied” in a truck stop parking lot for $10, you’re not getting a real tubal ligation. You just paid to get fingered.