By Anonymous - 03/05/2021 13:01 - Canada - Westbridge

Today, I was listening to an inappropriate song while driving around when I heard my 3 year-old in the back seat say the n-word. If you hear kids screaming, "LEGOS, LEGOS!" out of the windows as I drive by, that's my pathetic attempt at reversing the language they heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327
You deserved it 1 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and now you know that you can watch or listen to inappropriate stuff around kids, there like a sponge and soak everything up

Matthew Irmen 11

You should be proud of yourself


and now you know that you can watch or listen to inappropriate stuff around kids, there like a sponge and soak everything up

Matthew Irmen 11

You should be proud of yourself

DogeToTheMoon 4

Everyone saying it’s her fault needs to stop assuming it’s her fault, sadly people say that word in public all the time, I heard a man call his own son that!!! And little kids hear it and say it it’s not always the parents saying or watching stuff where the word is used, you can’t control how other people talk and kids are sponges, another thing is kids try to say words and they come out wrong all the time, my kid said BITCH because she couldn’t say biscuit and F*** because she couldn’t say duck

Such bad parenting. When you have kids, you have to sacrifice the things you like, like inappropriate songs, in order to raise them right.