By Anonymous - 18/01/2017 20:00

Today, I found out my friends replaced the water in my bottle with vodka when all my fish died. Any water I don't finish the night before, I pour into my tank the next morning. Thousands of dollars and years hard work, gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 676
You deserved it 1 687

Same thing different taste

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Easily!! Depending on the kind of fish and the possibility of live plants and is not cheap at all!!

And thus Pixar was inspired to make a cautionary Finding Nemo sequel in which the protagonist develops alcoholism.


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Easily!! Depending on the kind of fish and the possibility of live plants and is not cheap at all!!

awildwhisper 30

One fish can be a couple hundred when they're saltwater and exotic.

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Rawrshi 25

Because both are clear and OP probably didn't take another drink of it in the morning considering they had no reason to believe anything unusual about it.

Rawrshi 25

Because both are clear and OP probably didn't take a drink of it in the morning considering they had no reason to believe anything unusual about it.

If he didn't drink any of it then he would not be able to tell at all.

haveyou000 22

Well OP didnt notice because he doesn't drink it, and it was probably replaced overnight. Easy mixup, they look the same and you won't notice unless you smell it or taste it, and expecting nothing to be different from all the other times you did it, why would you?

And thus Pixar was inspired to make a cautionary Finding Nemo sequel in which the protagonist develops alcoholism.

I'm so sorry! I'm heavy into the trade, too, and know that I would not be speaking to those "friends" for quite some time. Mind if I ask what setup(s) you had running?

mcruff 12
num1piglover 13

If the fish were really that expensive why would you just pour water that you were drinking and was likely open into the tank? Can't some types of water mess up the ph? What you friend did was stupid though.

Having kept tropical fish before this also raises an eyebrow for me. You should be monitoring the amount of water you add and using appropriate levels of conditioner to prevent throwing off the ph balance or adding unnecessary levels of chlorine to your tank. In addition to that if they are fish that need to have their water maintained at a certain temperature dumping in a bunch of new water into their tank every day while they're still in the tank can be very distressing for the fish and even p

I just assumed it was a small bottle of water and since it was the leftover water from the night before would be super empty, maybe a few centimetres high of water. Nit nearly enough to really upset the balances, but enough to help offset any kind of evaporation.

<p>I am wondering what kind of fish these are that you hadn't killed them by dumping random, untreated water into their tank. Unless you happen to drink water conditioned for your fish tank...</p>

Coming from someone who has owned thousands of dollars in fish, it is very risky just pouring drinking water into an aquarium. Sure if you have a large tank it will balance it out, but I never add water without testing the pH and adding dechlorinizer

We always do the same thing with our spring water bottles. If you're using natural water and have a sizable tank, it's not strange because it helps make up for the water that evaporates over time.