Impatient fish

By Anonymous - 10/11/2022 08:00 - Australia

Today, two of my daughter's fish died after owning them for a year. Yesterday I spent $400 on a new bigger fish tank so that they would be happier. I built the stand, set it up, and got everything running. All I had to do was let it run for a week so that the pH would be fine for them, and then move them across. FML
I agree, your life sucks 768
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don’t think he had transferred them yet

Op said they were going to run it before putting them in. It’s implied that the fish were not moved yet.


You put the fish in six days early, idiot.

I don’t think he had transferred them yet

Op said they were going to run it before putting them in. It’s implied that the fish were not moved yet.

You might be right. They probably died of envy of the ******' fish that got the big tank. Tragically, they were those ******' fish who were going to get the tank!

sp00kydude 1

okay Mr perfect I'm sure with your attitude you've never made a single mistake in your life right?

ok so set it up for the rest of the fish and buy 2 more fish?

Two fish out of how many? And honestly, fish are cheap, so just get some more.