By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, I found out my four best friends are going to Florida for spring break without me. When asked why I was not invited to go with them the answer I received was, "we don't think you would look very good in a bathing suit, and we want to be able to pick up cute guys on the beach." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 649
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats rough, but theyre obviously not true friends. go find nicer ones!


alex_vik 0

#48 - Please tell me you're making a joke about how some idiots think that Noname is an actual person. And I agree 100% with #25

You poor thing. Drop those bitches on their asses and never look back.

pancake26 0

yeahh, those girls are bitches and are gonna get ******* herpes. and you know 25 is an assfuck. **** all em, have your own spring break partyy girl

Smiley14_fml 0

You call these people your friends? Look for new friends who don't need guys around to have fun and who think you are beautful the way you are. **** them!

GoMeat4103 0

Wow 25. Everyone here pretty much thinks you're stupid except for like two people. How's that feel?

paniclovie 0

#25: there's no reason she should have to change her appearance to hang out with her "friends". This is sooo not a bad thing for you. Now you know who aren't your real friends. You should get together with some other people, go to Florida, and show them you can have even more fun than they can. ;)

King_of_Kings_2 0

you are such a baby "i dont get to go with my friends to Florida because they think i look awful in a bathing suit. wah wah wah" i suggest instead of posting it on here and whining to everyone about why your friends didnt invite you, just get off your ass and book a flight to Florida and have a killer time and if you happen to see your friends along the way tell them off and let them know that you dont need to be with them to have a good time. and while you're at it pick up the cutest guy! and have fun!

berii 0

your friends suck, you also suck for allowing them to be your friends this long...

im sorry, but you "friends" have a point. there is nothing worse than a beached whale. try spending the time you would normally spend crying and complaining on the internet by getting in shape. or you can take it the other way and decide that the only friend you really need is a gallon of Chunky Monkey. or, prove to all your friends that you are better than them, go to Florida, and find yourself a drunken fratboy to contract herpes from. seriously, go for it