By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, I found out my four best friends are going to Florida for spring break without me. When asked why I was not invited to go with them the answer I received was, "we don't think you would look very good in a bathing suit, and we want to be able to pick up cute guys on the beach." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 649
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats rough, but theyre obviously not true friends. go find nicer ones!


kagome_eb 0

bitches, before they go away on their trip make sure to out some burning powder that reacts in water on their swim suits. the when they are back ask them "who looks better now bitches!"

If those are what you call friends, it's time you found new ones!

WHOA. Get new friends! They're probably afraid that they will look like crap next to you.

They'll all come back with crabs. Who's the winner then?

wrestler_fml 0

1. Your friends are jerks 2. On the other hand, you have to see things from their POV though! IF they decided to be GOOD FRIENDS, it would be YOU being the bad friend, by- yes- scaring the cute guys away! If you're going to look at it from your side, you have to see theirs, as well. 3. Therefore, you have 2 options, and I would suggest doing the first one: A- exercise hard, run alot, eat right, eat smaller meals, get enough sleep, drink lots of water... and lose the weight by summer! you could lose up to 20-30 lbs in a month! oh, and get a tan as well. not 2 hard, either. B- Be too lazy about it, and understand that even though they're being b*tches, it was your laziness and slothfulness (no offense!) that put all 5 of you in this difficult situation! It's YOUR FAULT this happened, and it's YOUR WEIGHT/LOOKS PROBLEM that caused either them to be jerks, or you to be a jerk by going and scaring the guys away! 4. PS, I'm sure if you do letter "A" and get good looking (OH AND BTW tell your friends of your goal BEFOREHAND so they know, and can plan for you to come), your friends will be OK with it. Tell them that they don't have to let you go, unless you reach a certain weight... they'll agree, thinking "either she makes it and will look OK, or she won't make it and we won't feel bad!" 5. IF THEY DON'T EVEN AGREE TO #4, AS IN WON'T EVEN LET YOU GO IF YOU LOSE THE WEIGHT, THERE ARE ONLY A FEW OPTIONS: Either they aren't your friends, never were your friends, are REALLY mad at you about something, orrrr they just think you're the type of person that's fun to hang around at school, but not to the beach. :/ ==== Good luck!

npk88 0

#25 you're a huge tool. The girls friends are bitches. How do you know she's actually seriously overweight. And even if she was who are you OR her "friends" to judge her and tell her she NEEDS to lose weight.

thegoodlifeNOT 0

Your friends are should drop them NOW

ohshootohshoot 0

what assholes, but whatevs.

gracky_fml 0

25... you're stupid. that wasn't very nice what those girls said... i'm sorry.